Connect Training Overview

Like many newspapers today, one of the major advertising challenges is getting time with the decision maker. Pulse asked businesses what they want and sales teams what they need. We learned what it “takes” to get in the door and really engage with the business. We have put all that into a new solution for your sales team. Find out how Connect will get appointments and results for your team.

"Peaking interest of the business because they WILL want to know these answers....."

Connect Training Video

“Connect gives detailed, personalized results that can help drive their advertising mindset in the right direction”


Open the door with the new information you have to share
“Pulse Research asked the same questions you would ask”

Show the opportunity
Of the households you reach each week, show exactly how many new customers are available for the business.

Let the business discover how to get more
Share the purchasing plans and let them tell you where and how they want to grow their business.
Offer the solution by setting a time to show the advertising options.

Follow up calls
Leave the flyer behind on calls where you do get to meet with the decision maker.
“We are giving the potential client something of value; instead of asking for something.”

Inside Sales & Telemarketing with Connect

“Brief and to the point it gives the customer a little but not too overwhelming”

Schedule a Webinar

We are always available to host a short webinar to kick off the Connect program for your sales team. Just let us know what time works best for you.

“Clean, short, simple, personal, engaging, visual, and direct“